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Chromedome "Och, lassie, let's you an' me go grey disgracefully!"
The Geek Uhura is busy. The crewman is monitoring.
Captain 8472 Uhura: Scotty, can you help me with my translation equipment?
Scotty: First, ya need to exercise your tongue.
Captain 8472 Scotty: Uhura, you know this could make Spock jealous.
Uhura: That is the point.
Frankie Chestnuts Uhura: "Oh, Mr. Scott... You're so cute when you're drunk."
Scotty: "Aye Lassie... but only when I'm OFF duty... I’m an ugly drunk when I’m ON duty.”
Frankie Chestnuts Uhura: “Mr. Scott… If you mention getting your hands on my ‘ample nacelles’ just one more time, you’ll be removing my foot from your cargo bay.”
Captain 8472 “Lassie, think you chipped a tooth.”
Chromedome "Beam me up, Scotty!"
Chromedome "We've got to stop meeting like this. People will talk."
Chromedome "Och, sexual harrassment at work! Why did I nae get any o' this in the orginal series?"
MR. WORF Uhura : Mr. Scott , I believe I have another engineer in the oven.
MR. WORF Uhura : Scotty !!!! My god man, you sent me into warp drive last night !!!! Thank You !!
Frankie Chestnuts Uhura: "Mr. Scott, open your mouth, stick out your tongue and say 'AAAAAHHH'."
Scotty: "Aye, lassie... but I'd step back a wee bit if I was you."
Frankie Chestnuts Uhura: "Oh, Mr. Scott... You're so cute when you're drunk."
Scotty: "Aye... but only when I'm off duty."
Frankie Chestnuts Uhura: "Oh, Mr. Scott... You're so cute when you're drunk."
Scotty: "Aye, I am."
Frankie Chestnuts Uhura: "Ye cannae change the laws of attraction."
Scotty: "That's MY line, Lassie... and yes, we CAN change them."
Captain 8472 “Mr. Scott, I appreciate the attempt, but you are not Kirk and we are not being mind controlled.”

Entries : 17People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 304 Release date : 30 Nov -0001