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Captain Spocky Mission #1

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:27 pm
by Teaos
Captain Spocky, U.S.S. Aberystwyth (Saber Class)

Command: 50 (And Captain, former Security Officer)
Tactical: 30
Ops: 40

Moral 50/100

Personal and Ship: The Aberystwyth is one of the last Saber classes to be built, having be phased out by newer designs. Used primarily to patrol and police the interior of Federation space or on friendly boarders. The Abersytwyth has just finished its 5 yearly refit, having been in drydock for close to three months.

Many of the crew were reassigned along with its former captain, however the engineering deparment is superb, having a excellent chief and crew.

Mission: You are to transport and drop off a team of Federation Terraformers to a world deep inside Klingon space. They have requested assistance as one of their planets that was terraformed over 300 years ago has started to experience sever atmospheric conditions.

You are due to leave DS9 in 3 days.

(Orders Captain)

Re: Captain Spocky Mission #1

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 9:52 am
by Spocky
(Ooh, a Saber, wonderful.)

I will ask Ops to work with Engineering to check important systems, primarily Engines, Comms and Sensors before leaving SD9.

Re: Captain Spocky Mission #1

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:30 pm
by Teaos
All systems checked and operational, all crew accounted for.

Re: Captain Spocky Mission #1

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:47 pm
by Spocky
Then I ask Comms to contact DS9 and request permission to depart towards "Unnamed Klingon Planet" early.

Re: Captain Spocky Mission #1

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 2:01 pm
by Teaos

(You don't have to be quite so specific in your details, general stuff like this is kind of a given, its only where multiple actions could be taken such as crossing boarders or dealing with others ships you need to be specific. Or anything outside of day to day running, like you don't need to tell you people to take breaks ect, but if you wanted all your crew to train in ground warfare tactics you'd need to bring it up)

Re: Captain Spocky Mission #1

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 3:34 pm
by Spocky
(I can't help it, sorry. I'll try to be less specific, but I can't promise.)

Ok, then head off towards the planet, 1 warp speeds below what the Saber's maximum is. In the mean time, hail the Klingon Planet and the High Command to let them know I am heading out early.

Re: Captain Spocky Mission #1

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 7:32 pm
by Teaos
You proceed to the Klingon planet, the Klingons acknowledge your communication and grant you access to their space.

You arrive at the planet and recieve a hail from the Klingon settlement and the Engineers working there.

Re: Captain Spocky Mission #1

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 4:22 am
by Spocky
Beam down an away team consisting of 2 Engineers, the Deputy Chief Engineer, and 2 Security Officers (to oversee installation) with the Replicators.

Re: Captain Spocky Mission #1

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:37 am
by Teaos
You beam your team down with their equipment to begin their mission. Your sensors show extreme weather conditions across the whole planet, with rapid swings in temperature and extreme velocity winds. The conditiions do seem to be getting progressively worse.

Re: Captain Spocky Mission #1

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:10 pm
by Spocky
Get sickbay to go to standby just incase, and keep a transporter lock on them incase one is injured or the weather gets too bad.

(I really should have scanned the planet first...)

Re: Captain Spocky Mission #1

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 1:47 pm
by Teaos
The weather continues to get progressively worse, the facility your team is in with the Klingons is able to withstand anything short of aplanet destroying event, however the numerous cities and encampments on the planet are already in danger.

Re: Captain Spocky Mission #1

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:39 pm
by Spocky
Offer the Klingons in the less protected areas emergency evacuation, but that my ship will not be albe to take many evacuees. Also, contact Starfleet Command and advise them of the situation and request and additional ship to help with a possible evacuation.

Re: Captain Spocky Mission #1

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:45 pm
by Teaos
You send a message down that you can take up to 60 refugees, but with over 7 million on the planet it might not be enough.

The Klingons have selected 60 of their top officials and VIPS who are ready to beam up at.

You contact Starfleet and they advice you that the closest ship is 6 days away, with another 5 ships with in 10 days travel, but all combined would have less than 3500 places avaialble.

Re: Captain Spocky Mission #1

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:35 am
by Spocky
((Before I make my decision, what are the weather conditions? Is it hot, or cold?))

Re: Captain Spocky Mission #1

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:09 pm
by Teaos
Both, hot, cold, hurricane. Imagin the movie 2012.