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Cast of Characters

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 3:39 am
by Monroe
Please no one else post. Post in the sign up thread. I'm trying to keep this organized.

Zanitav (Original Character form - StarCraft during the events of the early Terran missions of the original Starcraft as the Protoss burn worlds to wipe out infection.
Age: 394
Homeworld: Protoss Colony of Kabeth
Species: Protoss
A templar in training and Praelet on the Carrier- Andun's Mercy Zanitav is loyal to the teachings of khala and has fought many battles against foes untold (cause Stacraft as it exists now would mean there must be other races out there but none are really mentioned).

He is a xenophobe and dislikes younger races such as humans. He sees humanity as an easy to corrupt race that charged headlong at its own peril and only by twisted fate do they still live and only to feed the growing Zerg threat.

Standard issue Zealot shield belt and power armor
Energy Blades

Xan Mk3 from Unreal Tournament
Age: Unknown
Homeworld: Asteroid LBX-7683
Species: Cyborg-Human hybrid (but then again aren't all cyborgs hybrids?)
Xan may have been created in a robot factory on the asteroid LBX-7683 in the Erican Cluster, where he functioned as a mining robot built by the Liandri Mining Corporation.

In 2283 Xan led the LBX-7683 Robot Uprising in which several robots turned against the humans on the asteroid, prompting Liandri to send in a tactical squad to quell the rebellion. Xan was captured and resisted several memory wipes but was eventually reprogrammed.

Liandri later entered Xan into the underground Tournaments, which later grew into the legally-sanctioned Liandri Grand Tournament. Xan became the the leader of The Corrupt, a Liandri-sponsored team. Xan won at least two Tournaments during this time. Many people believed at this time that Xan was in fact Jerl Liandri, the founder of the Liandri Corporation, wearing power armor, presumably due to the lack of general knowledge of the LBX-7683 incident by the general public.

Xan was finally beaten in 2293 by Malcolm (UT). Liandri recalled Xan and upgraded him to Xan Mark II, and attempted to gain back the champion spot from Malcolm. This bid proved unsuccessful, and Liandri recalled him again for a complete rebuilding, during which he didn't participate for a number of years. This includes 2302, the year of UT2003.

In 2303 (UT2004) Liandri finally re-entered Xan after upgrading him to Xan Mark 3. Although he still failed to become champion, he may become a finalist, depending on how the player plays the game.
ASMD Shock rifle
UT Style Flak Cannon


Joshua Fireseed (Turok)
Throughout history, an American Indian hero by the name of Turok has secretly protected Earth from the invasion of a race of evolved dinosaurs from a world of evolved prehistoric creatures known as the Lost Land. But that's not to say that Turok has always been the same person. Rather, the mantle of Turok is passed down from one generation of the Fireseed lineage to another, the eldest son of the previous Turok typically honored with the title and its duties.

Of all of the Turoks throughout history, perhaps the most unlikely has been Joshua Fireseed. Josh was just an Oklahoma University student who had always seen the legend of Turok as "a load of manure." But on a 1997 trip home to visit his dying uncle Carl (Turok since 1982), he reluctantly accepted his responsibility in fulfilling the destiny of his lineage. Like the other Fireseeds before him -- most notably Tal'Set, the greatest of all (and star of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter) -- Joshua would be Turok.

To say that Joshua's life has become complicated since deciding to fulfill his duties would be a terrible understatement. Like other college students, he has projects to deal with, exams to study for and a social life to maintain -- even some NCAA athletics on the side. But unlike the rest, he saves the world on a regular basis.

In his young career as Turok, Joshua (also known as The Coyote Knight) has experienced more adventure than most would in a lifetime. After all, who else can say that they've tried to assassinate the president of the United States and also put the moves on a tribe of four-breasted women?

Perhaps his most notable quest, however, has been that against the Primagen, an evil being alive since the dawn of time who was awakened after Tal'Set defeated The Campaigner by destroying the Chronoceptor. As seen in Turok 2: Seeds of Evil, Joshua's ensuing battle was quite epic, taking the 20-year-old hero to all four corners of the Lost Land. But then again, it was just another day in the life of Joshua Fireseed, the Turok of the new millennium.

Joshua's family is quite large, but its noticeable members are the Turoks of the past. Some of these notable Fireseeds include (in reverse chronological order) Carl (The Secondary), John (The Forsaken One), Thomas (The Atomic Cub), Grehawk (The Warslave), Redgrave (The Red Grave), Calloway (The Blood Brother), Adam (The Geomancer) and Tal'Set (The Valiant One).

Turok: Seeds of Evil

Just as we have, many other races of creatures have long pondered the same question: "Why are we here?" But, while these races might exceed our technical aptitude, they too can get caught up in the moment and make that one horrific mistake. Such a race arose about one billion years after the big bang had created the universe, absorbed in the quest to understand the universe. Astronomy and other space sciences advanced to staggering levels, but very few of their lightships had traveled past their own galaxy.

One being, however, was not content with simply studying the stars and offered up a quest to the center of the universe. His name was Primagen. The others shared his dream but knew that such an adventure would be far too dangerous, quickly dismissing him from their court. His vision rivaled only by his arrogance, the Primagen secretly restructured his own lightship and headed off on his own into the universe.

Leaving his galaxy, the Primagen quickly became bored at the sight of "standard" events like quasars, pulsars and black holes. So obsessed was he with finding the center of the universe that a small oversight would be his undoing.

Many months into the expedition the ship's hull was beginning to wear thin, not designed for such long and arduous flights. Near the power core of the ship, a tiny hull breech had occurred, siphoning only a tiny amount of energy into space. The universe, being relatively new, was still cluttered by plasma and other chemical remnants from the big bang, which mixed with the core energy creating a rippling explosion that sent the Primagen farther than he could have imagined.

Skipping in and out of the space-time continuum, his ship became encrusted by anti-matter, a substance that could feasibly only exist in a place where space and time both overlap and there is no set direction. As the Primagen ripped back into reality, the anti-matter acted as a magnet, sucking up all of the space debris it passed. By this time, the battered ship had slowed but continued to spin and travel through space.

More and more substances became glued to the mass: plasma, asteroids, meteors, even dark matter. Many years later, the entire ship had been covered by megatons of debris and actually resembled a planet to those who did not understand its true nature. The planet, known as the Lost Land, exists in the space-time continuum and is separated from this reality by a narrow layer of energy called the Netherscape. The planet is, however, so close to our reality that it has left an imprint of itself -- another planet known as Earth.

The Primagen continued to live deep within the planet for millions of years and used his species' psychic powers to project himself across the Netherscape and out of the Lost Land's core. Thankfully, he never had enough power to break free, as it would unleash the rogue substances of the planet upon this reality, shredding the universe's delicate balance and resulting in an apocalyptic finale of the universe that exceeds even our imagination in its destructive force.

The Elders of the Lost Land learned early on that the Primagen could never be released from his tomb. The council, known as the Lazarus Concordance, quickly set up energy totems at key points across the planet, where the Netherscape was particularly weak. These totems were designed to draw energy from the Primagen and use it to strengthen Netherscape's weak spots.

During their exodus to erect the totems, the Elders came across a key-like device which they believed a vital component to the Primagen's lightship. Fearing what it could be used for, they destroyed the key and spread its fragments to the four corners of the Lost Land.

As the Turok known as Tal'Set defeated the Campaigner, he tried to rid the world of the Chronoceptor by tossing it into a live volcano. The power it holds ignited within the fiery magma, sending huge streams of lava flying into the air and devastating the planet with earthquakes that would kill Turok.

It was because of the violent trembling on the surface that the Primagen once again awakened within his tomb. Once again using his mental powers, he proceeded to push hundreds of creatures up through the soil, known as the "Seeds of Evil." Their main goal was to destroy the energy totems, but as they grew in number it became harder for the Primagen to maintain control.

Now, some of the creatures still quest for the totems while others have simply reverted to their own lifestyles, setting up colonies as they try to survive. As the creatures spread across the planet, they have begun destroying civilizations, and a new Fireseed now holds the mantle of Turok. It's up to Joshua Fireseed to put an end to the Primagen and his forces once and for all.

Turok: Shadow of Oblivion

Turok 3 picks up where Turok 2 left off. Oblivion is a monstrous cosmic entity that consumed everything in its path. It reigned before the birth of our universe. Invading the bodies of the living and devouring them from the inside-out, Oblivion fed on the very energy of the dead and dying. When the Primagen's Lightship was destroyed, the chain reaction it triggered as a result was so powerful that the universe as it existed was completely eradicated, and the almighty Oblivion was pushed to the very brink of destruction. For the first time, Oblivion felt pain, fear and hatred. Though totally ravaged, Oblivion survived and now desperately seeks a means to punch through the Netherscape that separates our world from the Lost Land, and the Lost Land from countless others. The last shreds of the pure energy source that created our world and nearly wiped out Oblivion are contained within the Light Burden, the bag that every member of the Turok lineage has carried. The death of the Turok mantle will signal the beginning of the end and the rebirth of Oblivion. To help it in its quest, Oblivion has utilized the aid of hundreds of its spawn-offspring.

These creatures, collectively known as "The Sons of Darkness" are fanatical worshippers of their lord Oblivion. Deep within the Lost Lands, Oblivion's henchmen have a massive headquarters from where they assemble their armies, direct their operations, and centre their cult, which worships Oblivion like a god. The player will eventually have to infiltrate this headquarters to destroy the scourge of the universe. It is here that their destiny will unfold, here that they must bring oblivion to that which was thought eternal, Oblivion itself.

The game begins with Joshua Fireseed (the current Turok), his sister, Danielle, and brother, Joseph. Danielle's husband has just died, and Joshua has dreams of a child that must be protected, as he is the last of the Fireseed lineage. During the night, Oblivion Spawns teleport into their home and try to kill Joshua in his sleep. He catches them and fights, but is outnumbered. He tells Danielle and Joseph to escape, while he stays behind with a bomb in his hand to blow the Spawns away, along with himself.

Re: Cast of Characters

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 3:42 am
by Monroe
Lt. Staplic

After Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Age in his twenties

Re: Cast of Characters

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 3:50 am
by Monroe



The enigmatic anti-hero (and main protagonist) of the series, Azoth is the jaded product of a childhood spent on the streets scrounging to survive. Originally he is part of the Black Dragon Guild, a poorly established group of adolescent thieves, divided into 'Bigs' and 'Littles' (young children and adolescents). During the part of the novels spent in Azoth's youth, he is considered a 'Little'. There is quite a measure of foreshadowing in the strongly antithetical relationship between Azoth and Rat, the Fist of the Black Dragon who is out for young Azoth's blood. Even though they have both seen the cruelest side of the world's face Azoth chose to temper himself with a sense of justice, rightful vengeance and mercy whereas Rat fell to corruption and sadism. Early on Azoth displays the characteristics of a just young man born to the wrong circumstances. It has been discussed that the theme of the night angel is introduced during the initial book in the first three characters : Azoth, who represents vengeance, Jarl, who represents justice, and Elene/Doll Girl, who represents Mercy. These two influential characters shape Azoth to be who he is. Eventually the perceived weakness of inaction is left behind Azoth as he adopts his new persona of Kylar Stern. Azoth means quicksilver.

Kylar Stern

The character who Azoth becomes. As Durzo Blint's apprentice, he learns the ways of a wetboy. Sent to the Drakes' to learn how to be a noble, he makes new friends, and enemies. Main Character throughout the rest of the series. Kylar means "one who kills" and "one who is killed." The black ka'kari chooses him to be its new master and it grants him amazing powers, not the least of which is allowing him to tap into his long hidden Talent. The black ka'kari makes him immortal - not invincible - meaning that every time he dies, he will come back from the dead. The price is high however, as each time he dies and returns, one of his loved ones will die in his place.


Name used for Kylar when he wants to go anonymous but still claim his loyalty to the Sa'Kagé. Kagé means shadow. He uses this name when he fights in a tournament in Cenaria. He defeats his best friend, Logan Gyre, and becomes champion, though the entire tournament was rigged.

The Night Angel

The Night Angel is introduced in the series as a deity governing the forces of Justice, Mercy, and Retribution. As the story unfolds, however, the Night Angel is revealed to be the identity of the bearer of the Black Ka'kari. The Night Angel is immortal and can "devour" anything except for diamond with a touch, as explained when the Black Ka'kari said that the sword Retribution never dulled at it's touch.

Re: Cast of Characters

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 3:58 am
by Monroe

Jack Bauer,
Before 7th Season

Jack Bauer (born 18 February 1966) was an American federal agent responsible for helping save the United States from devastating terrorist attacks on many occasions.
He took a leadership role in various covert and undercover missions, and served as both Special Agent in Charge and Director of Field Operations of CTU Los Angeles. His dedication to keeping U.S. citizens safe led him to make some deep personal sacrifices. Jack lost his job, his family, his friends, and, for a period of nearly two years after Day 5, his freedom. He even showed his willingness to sacrifice his life on three different occasions, but each time ultimately proved his sacrifice to be unnecessary.

· Los Angeles Sheriff's Department - Basic SWAT School
· Master of Science, Criminology and Law - University of California, Berkeley
· Bachelor of Arts, English Literature - University of California, Los Angeles
· US Army Officer's Candidate School
· Special Forces Operations Training Course
· Can speak Spanish and Russian

Military Experience
Classified information in italics
· Captain, US Army First Special Forces Operational Detachment, Delta
· Instructor, US Army "Q" Course Phase III Training
· Instructor, US Army Special Forces Robin Sage Exercises
· First Lieutenant, U.S. Army Combat Applications Group
· Graduate, John F. Kennedy School of Special Warfare
· Graduate, US Army Officer's Candidate School
· Graduate, US Army Ranger School

From Jack Bauer's classified Delta file
· High Altitude, Low Opening (HALO)
· High Altitude, High Opening (HAHO)
· Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape (SERE)
· Psychological Operations (PSYOPS)
· Direct Action (DA)
· Civic Action (CA)
· Counterproliferation/Nuclear (CP/N)[/quote]

Roland of Gilead, the gunslinger from Stephen King's Dark Tower series

Roland is alone at the beginning of the series, following the way of ka, a variant of destiny that is similar in concept to other karmic ideologies. The term ka-tet is used for a group of people who are deeply bonded to one another through ka. The seven-book series is about Roland's acquisition of a new ka-tet and the completion of his quest. Roland is the last surviving gunslinger and is possessed (or, as he describes it himself, "addicted") by a quest to reach The Dark Tower, the axis upon which infinite numbers of parallel worlds rotate.

Emotionally, Roland at times appears detached or unsympathetic, often reacting uncaring or angry at signs of cowardice or self-pity. He is shown to be mentally scarred from the deaths of all his friends and family, often thinking about their words and actions, and he is said (on more than one occasion by himself) to greatly lack imagination. He also describes himself as "not very good in thinking around corners", meaning he has a very practical character, never really seeking other meanings or intentions behind what he sees, although he is very perceptive and intelligent. Roland is not very patient, especially when he is under stress, and often makes a rotating gesture with his hand, which means 'go on, hurry, move on' in conversations. He is not one for small-talk. Roland is also shown to care a great deal for his Ka-Tet, or "Companions in fate", and often puts himself at risk to save or assist them - though when confronted with the choice between saving one of them or getting one step closer to the Tower, he would almost certainly choose the Tower.

Roland's revolvers (sometimes referred to as "the big guns" by other characters) are described as long and heavy, with blued steel (originally from his world's Excalibur) and sandalwood grips. These guns are a major sigul, as they are recognized throughout Mid-World and are used as an identifier of Roland. During the search for more ammunition in New York City in The Drawing of the Three, the guns are revealed to be chambered for .45 Long Colt ammunition. An experienced gunslinger, Roland can reload the revolvers with blinding speed, and his marksmanship is near-perfect.

Re: Cast of Characters

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 4:13 am
by Monroe

Main character: Commissar Ciaphas Cain, just after his little misadventure with the Genestealers on Gravalax.
Carapace armour chestplate (hidden under coat)

Ferik Jurgen, Cain's aide who may as well be listed under his equipment section given how often they're together. :P

Re: Cast of Characters

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 4:16 am
by Monroe
Cpl Kendall

Apothecary from the Iron Snakes Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes (40K). There isn't much on the Chapter itself and the Apothecaries are somewhat of side characters so I'll just make one up. Time doesn't really matter I guess, as their Chapter wouldn't have changed much but I'll go with just before the deployment against the Ork Waagh! in the Reef Stars.

Brother Phebes

Power Armour
Sea Lance
Bolt Pistol

Apothecaries are often Veteran Marines with decades or even centuries of experience, so we can expect Brother Phebes to be a wise, experienced, compassionate if gruff individual.

Cpl Dietrich from Aliens, a corpsman. Time, just after the drop on LV-426.


Re: Cast of Characters

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 4:17 am
by Monroe

Librarian Ashok originally of the Angels Sanguine chapter, currently seconded to the Deathwatch. Librarians are Space Marines with psychic (ususally offensive) powers, but still genetically, psychologically, and surgically engineered to be superhuman warriors. Ashok himself is a powerful Librarian and one of the only members of the Blood Angels or successor chapters to overcome the Black Rage, but its effects can and do pop up at any time, turning him into an indiscriminate ball of incredibly powerful physical and psychic violence, a danger to friend and foe alike. He first succumbed before being seconded to the Deathwatch during a battle between the Angels Sanguine and a brood of Tyranids - he subsequently destroyed an entire cave complex full of the beasts, along with three of his own battle-brothers. He is on constant guard against (and in constant fear of, if a Space Marine can be said to have fear) the Black Rage taking hold, and takes steps to avoid it - he also tends to separate himself somewhat from his Deathwatch kill-teams when possible, sometimes having worked on secret agendas for his Inquisitorial masters.

Mark VII power armor
force staff
bolt pistol with standard and Hellfire ammo
If there is call for/room for vehicles, his last post included use of a Space Marine bike

More detail on Space Marines and their characteristics.

A Craftworld Eldar by the name of Arawden Aghenfilir. Arawden is a ranger from the Craftworld Iyanden who happened to be following the same lead as Ashok, tracking down a rumored splinter population of Tyranids. He is proud, as all Eldar, and retains his anger and outrage over the near-destruction of Iyanden. He also displays typical Craftworld Eldar disdain for any species which isn't Eldar, but is somewhat more cosmopolitan than most due to his experience as a ranger among the Exodites and non-Eldar species. Arawden is equipped with a ranger long rifle, a shuriken pistol, mesh armor, and a cameleoline cloak.

Re: Cast of Characters

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 4:19 am
by Monroe

Season one Optimus Primal

His organic skin can shield him from radiation. His left hand retracts to reveal a double-barreled blaster. He has two over-the-shoulder missile launchers and a jet pack. He was confident of being able to re-enter the atmosphere in the season one finale. Also, two swords. This was his first command, so a bit inexperienced.


Beast Wars Rhinox

Rhinox is extremely strong and very intelligent. Smarter than Primal, but possibly not as strong. Sorta... philosophical, but not above kicking can and taking datatrax. He's armed with twin chainguns, known as the 'chainguns of doom'.


Re: Cast of Characters

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:39 am
by Monroe

Huron-Fel of the Deathguard.
Height - 9m
Weight - 70 tons
Age - N/A (between 250 and 500 years)
Race - Human - Adeptus Astartes - Dreadnought

Dreadnought, Venerable Ironclad. (Means very big, very old, very tough)
Left arm - Power claw with heavy flamer.
Right arm - Power claw with twin heavy bolters.
Left shoulder - Missle pod mount.
Right shoulder - Dual lascannons.

Character backround.
Huron-Fel was a loyal servent of the Emperor and fought for his Death Guard Legion of Adeptus Astartes. Long since before his mortal body had fallen in battle. What was left was interned in the tomb of his new Dreadnought body. At the Battle of Isstvan III, when Horus attacked the loyalist Space Marines on Isstvan III. Huron-Fel's Dreadnought body was damaged beyond help. In order to deny Horus the glory of bringing his death. Huron-Fel set his power core to overload. In a bright flash, he vanished.

Dothude "The wise blade"
Height - 2.5m
Weight - 230kg
Age - 85 years
Race - Yautja (Predator film)

Tactical Supremacy Armor - (Very similar to Space Marine Armor only not as bulky looking.)
Melee - Extended Wrist blades (both wrists), Combat knife and Combi-disc.
Ranged - Heavy Plasma Caster.
Extra - Cloaking system, Medkit, Self-termination device.

Character backround.
With humanity spreading through the galaxy in ever greater numbers. The Yautja have found themselves with oppenents at every turn. Humans take and take and take, mining worlds to their cores. Were once the Humans were to foolish and weak to contend with the Yautja, they have now adapted. Technology is slowly catching up and the Yautja as a race have to redefine their edge. Where most Yautja Clans have simply learned to avoid the Human Fleets and only attack when they can do so without being noticed. Some of the more aggresive and resource rich Clans have come up with a new plan. That being to face the Human's on their own terms. This has given brith to several responses under the New-Way Clans.

First and most shocking being the creation of military-grade warriors. Predators trained not only to hunt alone but to wage war in small packs. This violates many of the old laws and has caused much heated "debate" between some of the Clans. However the effects cannot be denied. The combination of Yautja skill and technology is rightly feared. Starship production began to take on a life of its own. Equipment became more standardized and of greater quality. The New-Way Clans weren't just hunters anymore, they were becoming warriors. Where before a young Yautja had to fight for his equipment, in which many died. Now they were given their equipment by their Clan. First hunts being another costly matter in lives of young hunters due to inexperience. Older and more blooded hunters openly trained them instead of just taking them on hunts. A true form of education where several young hunters would be attached to a Blooded Warrior Pack. From here they would spend several years in training their teachers. Learning all they could before becoming Blooded themselves and taking on young hunters of their own.

Second has been the creation of the Tactical Supremacy Armor. A mixed response not just for use against humans but also against other Yautja. Many of the Old-Law Clans have been hosting large numbers of duals and challanges against the New-Way Clans. At first, shear numbers led to massive losses for the New-Way Clans. Many warriors fell in battle or on Great Hunts designed to bleed those who took part. The great numbers of the Old-Law Clans allowed this plan to work. The New-Way Clans needed a new way in which to survive. Somewhere, someone came up with a plan and took the idea of the Vangaurd Armor used by the Elder Council Gaurds and improved the system. Instead of having a largely plate armor with no support system other then a weak deflector generator for minor protection against ranged weapons. The armor was reduced in form to more tightly fit the users. Stronger Materials were used to nearly triple the protection. Strength enhancing fibers were placed to allow the user to not only move the suit but last longer in combat then normal. Life support systems were also added to allow combat to last beyond the short lived supply of the standard masks. Increasing the abilities of the warrior who wears it several fold helped against the problem of forever being out numbered.

Third was open conflict between the Old-Laws Clans and the New-Ways Clans. Hunters and Warriors clashed openly, often for little reason. One on one combat became a very one sided matter. Warriors with superior weapons, armor and training on average claimed the vast majority of duels with a few noted exceptions. Old-Law hunters voiced against New-Way warriors fighting in armor. New-Way warriors voiced Old-Law hunters using attrition to wear down the smaller clans. Soon there were even some small brush wars between Clan Packs out on hunting worlds.

Dothude "The Blade" came forward in this time. Claiming the lives of two Vanguards in a single duel. He earned great honor for skill in battle. At the same time he was now counted as a Vanguard himself. Unwilling to leave his New-Way Clan for the Elders he preposed a comprimise. That he would provide two of his best offspring to act as Warrior Vanguards who would bond the Elder Council to the New-Way Clans. With this he was freed from his bondage to the Vanguards and there for earned a new name. Dothude "The Wise Blade". Now a well known voice he began to speak out to the clans and call for unity. Most Old-Law Clans laughed at this, but to the New-Way Clans this was a roaring call. The the words and ideas changed nothing. It did show that the New-Way Clans were willing to work together if need be. This would mean civil war if the Elders moved against them. A risk that is beyond unthinkable.

Dothude is a seasoned hunter, Blooded Warrior and skilled leader. He personality is confident and agressive but still very calm and patient. A strange but powerful combination. Added to his combat skill is his technical skill. He, like most Yautja, has a fond understanding of the equipment in which his life is dependent. Unlike most Yautja, he can not only maintain or effect basic repairs but in fact replace and rebuild most of his equipment. So long as he has the parts or materials he needs.

Re: Cast of Characters

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:40 am
by Monroe

Kallen Kozuki

She is a master pilot and hand to hand fighter, a veteran from the Black Knight Rebellion against the Holy Empire of Britannia. Her skills are so great she can compete and even beat Knights of the Round. During the first part of the series of Code Geass, she piloted a new Knightmare Frame, the Guren MK II. Half Japanese/Half-Britannian, she chose her Japanese half of her heritage to rebel against Britannia after her brother's death. Her skills gained the attention of Lelouch vi Britannia, who was known at Ashford Academy as Lelouch Lamprouge, and to the world as Zero, the leader of the Black Knights and he made her his personal bodyguard.


Right now her Guren has been upgraded to the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N Eight Elements Type:


Series: Type-02
Height: 4.51m
Weight: 7510kg
Armor-piercing Bombardment-type Fukushahadō Kikou × 1 (徹甲衝砲撃輻射波動,tekko hōgeki fukushahadō × 1? lit. armor-piercing bombardment-type radiation surge), equipped with harken booster
Slash Harken × 3 (スラッシュハーケン, Surasshuhāken?)
MVS Fork Knife (Maser Vibration Sword (メーザー バイブレーション ソード, Mēzā Baiburēshon Sōdo)) × 1
Gefjun Net × 1 (Gefjun Net Unit × 12)
Harken Booster × 2
Landspinner propulsion system
Cockpit Ejection system
Energy wing offense & defense/propulsion system
Radiant wave surger-based shield
After Kallen and the Guren are captured during a battle with the Chinese Federation and turned over to Britannia, Lloyd is given access to the Guren. Much like Rakshata and the Shenhu, they got carried away in their modifications and made it too difficult for ordinary people to pilot properly. In their care, it is upgraded into the Guren SEITEN Eight Elements (紅蓮聖天八極式, Guren Seiten Hakkyokushiki lit. Crimson Lotus Superlative Extruder Interlocked Technology Exclusive Nexus Eight Elements). It now uses the energy wing system similar to that of the Lancelot Albion, but with four energy "feathers" instead of three. The wings can also serve as cutting weapons. The system allows the Guren to move at blinding speeds, such that it appears to be little more than a purple blur in flight. Its radiant wave surger arm has gold highlights on the fingers and forearm, and has been upgraded significantly. It can be fired like a Slash Harken, and has a Harken Booster for controlled flight. The arm still functions when launched as such. Its original functions are retained and far more potent: the ordinary radiation burst can block a Hadron Cannon blast with seemingly no effort and the hand can crush energy shielding without the aid of the emitter. It is also capable of firing disk-like radiation projectile. The Guren's fork knife is also upgraded, having been retrofitted with MVS capability and made about twice as long. Its MVS (which is colored purple as opposed to the usual red) is evidently more potent than normal versions, as it can cut through the Lancelot Conquista's MVS swords.

Additional armor is also present on the knees and ankles. The antennae have been extended and enlarged, making them appear to be giant ears. Its chest is completely different, with the orange part extended further and a pair of green jewels featured prominently on the front. Its namesake comes from its operation system, which is Superlative Extruder Interlocked Technology Exclusive Nexus (S.E.I.T.E.N.) Eight Elements. It also is equipped with two Slash Harkens attached to it's shoulders.

It is critically damaged in battle against the Lancelot Albion, losing its head and both arms, but the chest survives intact.

Retrieved from ""-Source

Decided to go with the Action Girl Kallen for my first character. Having trouble deciding the second one.[/quote]

Halo'sMaster Chief

Re: Cast of Characters

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:55 am
by Monroe

-Q - Really the plot driver. He is the one who organizes the mission and spends his dwindling energy bringing in reinforcements.
-Davros - Main enemy and creator of the Reality Bomb.
-Commodore Suni Nintendzria - Female Human- Commanding officer of the Sage's Way. She has been tasked with recapturing the Kirk.
-'Warlord' Fwiffo- Spathi captain who was lost from the rest of his fleet on a similar mission.
-Diego - Resident of City 47 he befriends Jack Bauer's team to help them on their quest for the Vortigon.
-Dora- Married to Diego she is skeptical of the team's goals but trusts her husband not to screw up.

-Admiral Janeway- CO of the James T. Kirk.
-Lieutenant Evans - Male Human- Deck officer of the Cargo Bay that greeted everyone. Despises Janeway and helped with the mutiny. On the Asgarde vessel he still maintains the cargo holds.
-Lieutenant Val-chav - Female Vulcan - In charge of security on the Kirk. She disabled the sensors as per Striker's post to allow the team to mutiny.
-Lieutenant Heimmel - Male Human - An engineering crew member who sent the subspace transmission to the Sage's Way. After it became apparent the mutiny would succeed he dropped all help offering to Janeway and still works in Engineering. A lose end as he might change his mind should the opportunity present itself.
-Lieutenant Commander Hudson - Male Human - Chief of Engineering. Loyal to the mutiny from the start is living the dream of truly going where no one has ever gone before. Completely loyal and motivated.
-Lieutenant Barnes- Male Human - Loyal officer to Janeway and long time friend was blasted out into space by Bauer and Roland.
-Commander McCarthy - Male Human XO of the Kirk. Skilled in ship to ship combat and a believer in his crew over Janeway's pride. Lost an arm and severely injured in the space battle over Anubis' world.
-Lieutenant Commander Thompson - Male Human- Tactical Officer of the Kirk
-Ensign Frehy- Male Bajoran - Ops Officer. An understater of the year reward for his mild damage to the ship comment as the vessel was falling apart. He was blinded in the space battle over Anubis' world.
-Ensign Hernandez - Male Human- Engineering officer
-Doctor Turner - Female Human - Chief Medical officer of the Kirk and now the O'Neil. She's very hot and available ;)
-Crewman Cromwell- Male HumanPart of the strike force on HL2's Earth with Turok, Bauer, Roland.
-Ensign Thompson- Male Human Part of the Strike force on HL2's Earth with Turok, Bauer, Roland. Trained in medicine
-Ensign Outaj - Comm Officer

Re: Cast of Characters

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 8:39 pm
by Monroe

Name: Dagfinnr
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown, Potentially limitless using cloning technology
Physical attributes: <-- They do in fact all look the same

Dagfinnr began life as a completely new clone genome, a periodic fusion of genetic material from two host parent's genomes. Dagfinnr looks and behaves much like any Asgard, calm reserved and collected. However, he acts slightly less reserved than some and treats life with a more positive outlook. Many other Asgard shunned his behavior as it was overly emotional and responsive, but it has never curbed his actions or behavior. Dagfinnr has an uncanny fondness for looking out of an observation window at blank starfields for many hours at a time.

Dagfinnr's career in the Asgard fleet began quite some time ago, assigning him to the science ship Völsunga conducting experiments with hazardous offensive weaponry. Supreme commander Thor comissioned the ship to investigate the destructive potential of Naquadah powered explosives and the possibility of Naquadah superweapons. The Goa'uld were likely to attempt to develop such a weapon at some point, meaning making predictions on the possible firepower of such a weapon was a necessity for the Asgard fleet. An accident occured upon the Völsunga, causing the sublight drive unit on the starboard after quarter to be blown clean away. The crew abandoned her, detonating her before her power core overloaded.

Most of the crew were reassigned, and Dagfinnr recieved no different treatment. he was assigned as an Engineering expert aboard the O'Neill class vessel Vanaheimr days after her launch. As she was one of the newest of the ships in the O'Neill class, she immediately replaced a Bilskirnir class warship in the fleet. Assigned to patrol the Goa'uld controlled slave worlds, It took the Vanaheimr no time to encounter an overwhelmingly high Goa'uld fleet. A massive battle insued, eventually leading the Vanaheimr to be overrun. However, the captain managed to hide the vessel deep in space, sending as many people as possible into frozen stasis. Only the deepest pods remained online, where few remained. However, only one room with one occupant survived the transition to this universe. Dagfinnr.