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Star Trek Discovery on CBS NON-Access

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 1:56 pm
by T'Pau
Starting later this month, CBS will begin showing STDiscovery on their non-additional fee television network.

Not sure if it will air more than season one, but it does make me wonder if they might, to drum up interest in the third season on their pay network.

I also will be interested in how the ratings will turn out as well. And if the ratings might dictate how many more seasons they will make, and if they will put Picard and any others series on their regular network as well.

Re: Star Trek Discovery on CBS NON-Access

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:32 am
by AlexMcpherson79
*puts hands to head* I foresee.... that... *closes eyes and scrunches them* Hmm... it's difficult to see but... *opens eyes* They wont report the numbers.


If it had done good, they'd have boasted about it, they haven't ergo it didn't. *shrug* Doomcock was proven right about a lot and he has shared that it did terribly already (and... well, Netflix pulled out of doing it... so that says so much about how it did on Netflix internationally.)