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Re: Weapons and Warfare

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:59 pm
by Tyyr
Ok, the window, is that from the time the troops cross the border or once shooting starts at the house. I ask cause I'd prefer to land troops off site and come in silently.

Re: Weapons and Warfare

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:10 pm
by Deepcrush
Tyyr wrote:Ok, the window, is that from the time the troops cross the border or once shooting starts at the house. I ask cause I'd prefer to land troops off site and come in silently.
Time on site. Once the clock starts, it will not stop.

Re: Weapons and Warfare

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:16 pm
by Tyyr

Gonna have to rethink this, won't have the time to be as pretty as I'd prefer.

Re: Weapons and Warfare

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:20 pm
by Mikey
How close is the target to the coast?

Re: Weapons and Warfare

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:25 pm
by Deepcrush
Mikey wrote:How close is the target to the coast?
20min by helo.
Tyyr wrote:Ouch...

Gonna have to rethink this, won't have the time to be as pretty as I'd prefer.
Remember the key points to the mission objective. Only the target survives, no one makes it off site, you have thirty minutes.

Re: Weapons and Warfare

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:35 pm
by Tyyr
Well here's what I'd do.

Time: Night, between 0200 and 0300. Preferably with a new moon or could cover.

Forces: 3 Teams

Each team will be comprised of 1 fire support pair and a 4 man assault squad. Each fire support pair will use an M14 DMR and an M240B. Preference is for the machine gunner to spot for the marksman but if the guards get a bit too spirited the machine gunner can open up and cover. The assault squads are armed with M4s, at least one of them is carrying a shotgun for doorbreaching, flashbangs for everyone. Tear gas and gasmasks if things get iffy. Blackhawks for transport.

One gunship, not real picky.


Gunship goes in first and drops the electric pole nearest the house to black it out. Blackhawks come in equidistant around the house and drop the fire support teams off approximately 100 yards from it. The move forward another 50 meters or so and 30 degrees off axis from the fire support team and drop the assault teams. Under cover from the fire support teams the assault teams move up. One assault team secures the outside of the house and disables any vehicles they find. The other two teams force entry into the house and clear it. Once the target is secure the fire support teams roll up on the house, the Blackhawks come in for pick up and everyone bugs out. You should be able to do it in ten minutes if you're quick.

Re: Weapons and Warfare

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:54 pm
by Deepcrush
Tyyr wrote:Well here's what I'd do.

Time: Night, between 0200 and 0300. Preferably with a new moon or could cover.

Forces: 3 Teams

Each team will be comprised of 1 fire support pair and a 4 man assault squad. Each fire support pair will use an M14 DMR and an M240B. Preference is for the machine gunner to spot for the marksman but if the guards get a bit too spirited the machine gunner can open up and cover. The assault squads are armed with M4s, at least one of them is carrying a shotgun for doorbreaching, flashbangs for everyone. Tear gas and gasmasks if things get iffy. Blackhawks for transport.

One gunship, not real picky.


Gunship goes in first and drops the electric pole nearest the house to black it out. Blackhawks come in equidistant around the house and drop the fire support teams off approximately 100 yards from it. The move forward another 50 meters or so and 30 degrees off axis from the fire support team and drop the assault teams. Under cover from the fire support teams the assault teams move up. One assault team secures the outside of the house and disables any vehicles they find. The other two teams force entry into the house and clear it. Once the target is secure the fire support teams roll up on the house, the Blackhawks come in for pick up and everyone bugs out. You should be able to do it in ten minutes if you're quick.
Mission failure, your target reacts to the noise of the attack and races to his vehicle. He and a number of his guards make their escape leaving most of his guards on site. They are killed quickly as they try to flee on foot. You suffer no casualties.

Re: Weapons and Warfare

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:24 pm
by Deepcrush
Tyyr, you can try again. Account for reaction time and distance.

Re: Weapons and Warfare

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:53 pm
by Tyyr
If he's getting to his vehicle and off the site in between the time it takes for the gunship to hit the electric pole and the Blackhawks to drop the fire support teams off I dunno how the hell I can manage it faster unless I have the Blackhawks drop right on the house. I mean they're running the car out right under one of Blackhawks.

Re: Weapons and Warfare

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:07 pm
by Deepcrush
Tyyr wrote:If he's getting to his vehicle and off the site in between the time it takes for the gunship to hit the electric pole and the Blackhawks to drop the fire support teams off I dunno how the hell I can manage it faster unless I have the Blackhawks drop right on the house. I mean they're running the car out right under one of Blackhawks.
Why not have your teams already on the ground before your gunship even arrives? Also, figure that you have to disable his escape ability. Putting an RPG into his car or having your gunship shoot up the driveway is a good start. If you want to knock out the power. Do so in a fashion that doesn't put everyone on guard. Something quiet, maybe a small charge on the power line. Makes a few sparks and nothing really shows out. That means, if he does run then he's on foot and in the dark. If he's running on foot, you'll catch him. But you have to take him alive or its mission failure.

Re: Weapons and Warfare

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:10 pm
by Captain Seafort
A few more questions Deep:

1) Is the house roof flat, and is there access from the roof into the house?

2) How many vehicles are there and where are they?

Re: Weapons and Warfare

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:12 pm
by Deepcrush
Captain Seafort wrote:1) Is the house roof flat, and is there access from the roof into the house?
The roof is not flat and has no access points.
Captain Seafort wrote:2) How many vehicles are there and where are they?
Two vehicles, both in the drive way.

Re: Weapons and Warfare

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:25 pm
by Tyyr
Deepcrush wrote:Why not have your teams already on the ground before your gunship even arrives?
Time constraints. I've got 30 minutes which is not enough time for me to drop off the troops far enough away for them to make a silent approach to the property and still have any buffer for completing the mission and pulling out before the site is pasted. Alternately landing my troops first then knocking the power out is a non-starter. A 14 acre plot isn't that large. Assuming the villa is dead center in the plot and the plot is a square then you're only looking about about 320 feet or so from the villa to the tree line. You don't have anywhere near enough room to land helicopters before hand without alerting everyone that you're there.
Also, figure that you have to disable his escape ability.
That's why some of the first guys on the ground are the fire support teams with 7.62 weapons. It's a simple thing to put a few rounds into the engines and tires of any potential escape vehicles. They're not landing minutes after the power is taken out, they're landing within seconds of it being knocked out. Figure 30 seconds after the power line is down they're on the ground ready to shoot, if that much. The guy in the house is likely asleep as are most of his guards. I'm just not seeing how this guy is instantly up, in the car and gone, between the power going out and the troops hitting the ground. If the guy was sleeping in the car with it running maybe.
If you want to knock out the power. Do so in a fashion that doesn't put everyone on guard. Something quiet, maybe a small charge on the power line. Makes a few sparks and nothing really shows out.
Which is a nice thought but with the time constraints given how am I supposed to get someone in there silently to do it? With a 30 minute window and lord knows how long a trip from the staging point to the target time isn't on my side. My initial thought was a drop off well away from the target, walk in slow, take the power out silently, and then move in but with 30 minutes from wheels up to BOOM that's not gonna work.

Re: Weapons and Warfare

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:30 pm
by Captain Seafort
Deepcrush wrote:The roof is not flat and has no access points.

Three teams - one to cut the power lines (two or three men should do), an assault team (four fireteams) and a back-up (one fireteam). The line team and backup come in by chopper out of earshot, the other by parachute. The assault team has three M72 LAWs, individual weapons are MP5s and Browning 9mm - we don't want over penetration. The line team sets a charge, and triggers it while the assault team are high enough up not to be spotted, then get out. The assault team destroys the vehicles, then moves in, secures the target, then gets out. One fireteam goes into the house, another secures the compound, the third stays at the gate to reinforce if necessary and the fourth splits into pairs to cover the rest of the perimeter. The backup team is inserted down the road from the compound in case the main team is spotted coming in and the target gets out. Once the job's done, everyone gets out via Chinook.

Re: Weapons and Warfare

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:40 pm
by Mikey
Can't say I blame you for wanting to play it SAS embassy style, Seafort. ;) Anyway, is the target in a town or residential area?