​8 Things That Prove Star Wars Takes Place In Our Galaxy

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​8 Things That Prove Star Wars Takes Place In Our Galaxy

Post by Nutso »

​8 Things That Prove Star Wars Actually Takes Place In Our Galaxy

http://io9.com/8-things-that-prove-star ... 1638150658
1) E.T.

The biggest sign that Star Wars is actually our own galaxy comes from The Phantom Menace. In one of the movie's many riveting scenes of politicians arguing, a pod of E.T.s can be clearly seen in one of the pods of the Galactic Senate. Since a bunch of E.T.s also carelessly abandoned one of their species on Earth in the E.T. movie, we can infer that Earth and Coruscant are the same travel distance for these guys. After all, why would these guys need galactic representation if they weren't part of the galaxy? (Fun/obnoxious fact: The head E.T. senator's name is Greblieps.)

2) Isaac Asimov's Foundation

This beloved scifi series is a very detailed description of the future of humanity from the fall of the first Galactic Republic, through a massive dark age, and then the rise of another empire. Obviously, there's a similarity in Star Wars' rise and fall of republics and empires, and it would seem pretty reasonable to guess the two could be part of the same cyclical pattern. But there's stronger evidence in the many words that seem to have pass from Foundation to Star Wars (or vice versa). For instance, Foundation mentions a planet named Korell, while Han Solo hails from a planet named Corellia; the Foundation Federation is set on a planet named Terminus, which happens to be a major trading and shipping planet in Star Wars, both of which are supposedly located near the edge of the galaxy; the capital of the Empire in Foundation is a planet covered in an entire city named Trantor, and while the capital of the Star Wars empire is Coruscant, the Star Wars galaxy still includes a planet named Trantor, and it too is covered by one gigantic metropolis.

3) The Encyclopedia Galactica

You most likely know this incredibly valuable tome of information from Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. But it's published in the Star Wars galaxy as well, and seems to be much the same book. The Encyclopedia happened to be created in Asimov's Foundation series, as one of the major goals of the Foundation Federation in order to keep the knowledge of the falling empire from being lost. It was designed to survive the social collapse of human civilization, so it makes sense that it would survive the rise and fall of galactic republics and empires — as well as different scifi series, too.

4) The Tizowyrm

Also, one of The Hitchhiker's Guide's most memorable aliens is the Babelfish, which can be inserted into a person's earth and which translates all sounds mentally to its host — effectively working as a universal translator. Now, sticking a fish in your ear may sound like a uniquely Hitchhiker's Guide bit of nonsense, but the Yuuzhan Vong — the terrifying foes of much of the Expanded Universe stories — are in possession of small, aquatic slug-like creatures named Tizowyrms, which they would also stick in their ears and which would also translate alien language's for them. Coincidence? Hell no.

5) Star Trek

There are a lot of things that seem similar in Star Wars and Star Trek, but many of them are probably coincidences. For instance, there's the Death Star, which has a laser than can destroy a planet, while in Enterprise aliens called the Bindi also have a spherical ship with a similarly destructive laser. But that's just two evil peoples liking ball-shaped spaceships. But Star Trek has specifically mentioned Princess Leia's planet of Alderaan on several occasions, including episodes of Deep Space Nine and the Next Generation. Less explicably, the Millennium Falcon does a flyby in the Star Trek: First Contact movie, while a lone R2 unit is seen hurtling through space in Star Trek into Darkness.

6) Soul Calibur IV

Set in the 17th century — on Earth, I guess I should point out — the fourth installment of the popular fighting videogame Soul Calibur featured a guest appearance from not just Darth Vader, but also Yoda and Starkiller, the protagonist of The Force Unleashed games. Supposedly the three Jedi feel a disturbance in the Force on Earth, and all take a trip to investigate it. While feeling a Force disturbance in an entirely different galaxy isn't the most absurd idea in the Star Wars universe, it makes more sense if they live in the same galaxy, so they sense the problem just like Obi-Wan senses the destruction of Alderaan in A New Hope. Besides, if Jedi can feel Force disturbances in other galaxies, it's even more absurd they couldn't sense the secret Sith Master who was sitting 20 feet away from them in the prequels.

7) Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas

This book of Star Wars and other Lucasfilm movie concept art included short fiction. One particular story featured a tale of two Duros aliens (a coupe of which are shown in A New Hope's cantina scene) who are captured by "human beings" from a mysterious planet named "Urthha" shortly after their marriage. This story is related in a tabloid magazine called "The Galactic Gossip," which later in the book describes a celebrity-filled "Vector Party," in which the singer Madonna is included.

8) Alien Exodus

In 1994, Lucasfilm seemed to have approved a trilogy of Expanded Universe novels by author Robert J. Sawyer. There were canceled (kind of; I'll explain in a minute) but that fact that Lucas approved this speaks volumes as to how close he came to approving this as part of Star Wars. The second book would have included a detailed history of mankind leaving Earth in the 25th century, while the first book, titled Alien Exodus, would have starred "Cosmo Hender, the leader of the Human slaves on the planet Forhilnor, part of the Varlian Empire," and freeing his people so they could spread across the galaxy — as well as revealing the origins of the Force and the long lineage of the Skywalker name. (Also, it appears that modern humanity would have basically turned into the society revealed by George Lucas' first film, THX 1138, before setting out into space, making it part of Star Wars' ancient history as well.) At some point, the publisher Ace decided to release the books as the Alien Chronicles and drop the Star Wars connection entirely, and Sawyer dropped out; eventually Deborah Chester took over and wrote them as a trilogy. But yeah, this almost happened. You can read more about the insanity over at the Star Wars wiki.
"Bible, Wrath of Khan, what's the difference?"
Stan - South Park
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